A good poker scanner device is one which doesn’t attract anyone towards it. Leather belt cheating cards poker analyzer which is one of the most unsuspicious poker analyzer devices. Secret camera in the leather belt buckle is very difficult to detect as the camera is professionally customized by the experts. It captures the bar codes on the cards and reports the poker analyzer of the same for deep analysis to determine the result of the game. Information captured by this device is very exact and accurate. Leather belt camera is designed for easy use as a remote camera with the wide range of poker analyzers like CVK, AKK, PS King and many more.
Material: Leather
Color: Black
Scanning Range: 60-70cm
Battery Life: 2 hours
1. Doesn’t attract anyone and arouse suspicion
2. Easy to control with remote control.
3. One player use.
4. Support all generations of poker analyzers.
World Poker Tour
Poker cheat in cards game
Gamble cheat in all poker games
Casino Games
Poker match
Private cards game
Club cards games
Magic show of marked playing cards